Christie Brinkley Should Have Been A Cheater!

Is it no wonder that some women cheat? Because many of us believe that no matter what we do, how hard we do it. how long...we still are going to get the shaft.

While I know that Christie Brinkley's husband (Peter Cook) is no means an example of the average man - nor she the average woman if we're going to get technical...he is just another example of someone not appreciating what he had at home and going for the youngest thing he could find.

Now as a clinician, I must say that we as voyeurs know nothing about the functionality of their relationship, Christie could be a complete lunatic (what do we know:) -- but as a woman and a wife, I must say that she might be feeling a teeny bit better right now if she had beaten him to the punch! Am I right ladies?

No. No. Oh, I'm just kidding...Cheating is NEVER a solution. Look at the mess it makes of everyone's lives! Message here? Don't do it.


Is your relationship in trouble. Fix it fast!