I Married The Wrong Person

There is nothing more frightening, I imagine, for a spouse to realize that he or she has married the wrong person.

I mean that's a strong statement. But people tell me that quite often.

But there's a reason why a lot of men run from marriage - it's a binding agreement. On paper and in your head.

And someone who realizes that they have married the wrong person begins to feel trapped. Smothered. Like there is no way out. Because of course asking someone for a divorce is a serious thing. Leaving one life to begin a whole new other one is serious business.

But what on earth are your options if you married the wrong person?

Well, like many men and women around the globe - spouses don't leave - they cheat.

If you are in a 13 year marriage and knew in year 2 that you made a horrible mistake - ask yourself what are you doing?

Someone is going to get hurt. And it could be you.

Either make the effort to love the relationship that you are in and committed to you - or walk away.

Even cheating on the WRONG person is simply...not a very nice thing to do!


Are you depressed? In a bad relationship? Been cheated on? There are experts waiting to help you RIGHT NOW at GirlShrink.com